Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thoughts on Boston...

When it comes to last week, there's just a few things i want to add that haven't been said a million times already.

First off, i'm really creeped out that i know so many people who, upon hearing of the Boston bombing, have the exact same response they did upon hearing of the Sandy Hook massacre.

"It's a setup. The government did it. Why? Umm... control. Government did it."

And you can talk to these people, and tell them all about Occam's Razor, and why, in the absence of any major discrepancies or compelling new evidence, it does appear that it is possible for weirdos just to snap and decide to kill people for no good reason. And more often then not, they'll just say "Yeah, but i saw this video online where this guy said, like, someone saw some other guy. There was a guy on the roof? Yeah. Government did it."

Second... there is this weird tendency people have to worry that, no matter what happens, that the terrorists "won." Specifically, they have this suspicion that no matter what happens to Djarkovich Tsardinicus, he will be sitting in his prison cell, grinning like the Joker, and reveling in what he was able to accomplish with no regrets. He'd do it all over again.

No way, man.

This goofball and his fuckface wife-beating brother clearly thought they were clever enough to get away. They reportedly wanted to go to New York and plant more bombs and eventually end up as big bad men back in Chechnya. Think of how wrong things went for him, so fast. Imagine the panic he felt when after three days of silent gloating, he saw his picture on the news. Imagine how he felt when his brother -- who apparently convinced him that what they were doing was awesome and told him all the reasons why it would totally work out -- was shredded by shrapnel from one of his own bombs, and run over by Djingleberry himself. The dude ran over his own brother. Then he had 12 hours of hellish flight in which he must have thought that there was some sliver of a chance that he might get away. But he ended up cowering in a boat, and tried to kill himself by shooting himself in the mouth, and now... he's locked in a hospital, in incredible pain, with a fucked-up face, a dead brother, his family under uncomfortable spotlights, and all his future plans turned to puddles of shit at his feet.

He probably might still want to kill himself. But they won't let him. His wrists are probably zip-tied to the bed and a nurse is wiping his ass. All he has to look forward to now is sorrow for his brother, months of interrogations at the hands of the Americans he so despises, and a lifetime in prison.  He didn't win. At all. He's trapped in a living hell right now. Whatever infamy or fame he won amongst Chechnyan terrorists will be fleeting, and of no help to him now. And yet, i'll read that he's somehow laughing at us, like the Joker, all his dreams fulfilled.

I disagree. I know very well what it's like to be a stupid young man who thinks they can get away with anything, only to find that the world is smarter and faster than you thought. It's not a good feeling. If i was a goddish sort, i would look at this situation and declare it evidence of some sort of moral law in action. Instant karma's gonna get ya.

Third thing?

Teabaggers are idiots.

All this time, they've been huddling in their nests of filth, trying to use this "new 9-11" to discredit the President, and saying asinine things like...

"Shutting down the entire city of Boston because: one lone hat-backwards teenager was ludicrous. But that exercise did prove to anyone noticing how easily modern Americans are cowed and herded at whim. This ain’t American anymore, folks. ‘Cower’ may be a bit strong a term to describe many Citizens’ compliance with Government Authoriteh after it was ‘suggested’ that they cower in their homes. A better word choice for non-recusants might be ‘complacent’, ‘acquiescent’, ‘controllable’, ‘obedient’, or my favorite, ‘docile’."

Awww. Ain't that cute? This idiot thinks that when the authorities told people to stay off the streets so they could catch the terrorist, the proper American response would be to march around having drunken redneck parades or something. While firing their guns into the air? Maybe, maybe.
Little butthurt, i think. They're a little butthurt because a blue state is successfully battling terrorism while a red state suffered a massive and tragic explosion resulting from capitalist corner-cutting. Also, gold prices collapsed this week, and they've all been buying gold because Glenn Beck and Mark Levin have been repeating for years that, if that Obama gets reelected, a wheelbarrow of paper money won't be able to buy a loaf of bread, while those with stashes of gold will be the new community pillars, you know, after the Collapse.


Behance Gallery.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Always wrong

Conservatives are so used to being wrong at this point, they don't even notice anymore.  Let's review the last week, shall we?

In Boston, there was a bombing perpetrated by two lone losers.  The citizens of this blue state, Taxachusetts, responded with strength and resilience.  The criminals were apprehended quickly as a result of both watchful citizens doing their part, and a massive effort by law enforcement.  Boston is still healing, but they've handled the situation in the best way possible.

Meanwhile, in red state Texas, a fertilizer plant exploded, killing more people than the Boston bombers.  The nation goggled in horror and confusion at the fact that the plant hadn't been inspected by OSHA since the '80s, had thousands of tons of unregistered ammonium nitrate, and was too close to nursing homes, schools, and residences.  Oh, and Rick Perry had slashed the firefighting budget.  All in all, it was a huge, visible, embarrassing failure of laissez-faire capitalism.

How do the righties deal with being so wrong?

By whining, bitching, and moaning.  By making up ludicrous narratives in which two losers with pressure-cooker bombs are equivalent to 9-11, which means that Obama is just as bad as Bush for failing to stop it!   And after amping up the threat to elephantine proportions, they mock and deride the response, and blather that the Boston lockdown was evidence of the people being "cowed, coerced, scared, timid, controlled" by authorities.

Sorry, teatards, you're just jealous 'coz blue states do it better.

Oh, and as a final indignity?  Even the talk radio goons have started admitting that they were totally WRONG about the economy.  For years, they've been predicting the collapse of the currency, and urging their braindead listeners to dump stocks and buy gold.  Gold, gold!  Why, in six months, wheelbarrows of cash won't be enough to buy a loaf of Obamabread, but come the apocalypse, a single gold coin will make you the new neighborhood potentate.

....wrong.  Wrong again.  Always wrong.

Behance gallery.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Right where we left them.

Every once in a while, i'll still flip to the conservative station, just to check in on the loonies. Over there, in their alternate reality, three things are certain.

Barack Obama stole the election. He just did, case closed.

Global warming? Disproven. Forever. Everyone knows that.

The economy is a house of cards one minute away from total meltdown, we're on the brink of a catastrophe so horrendous that it will make the collapse of 2008 look like a picnic; start stockpiling rice and ammo, people, these are the end times. That being said, if you can't find a job, you're just a pathetic loser who hates work because you're lazy and dumb.

Just making sure they're where we left them.

Over on some other site,  people have been taking me to task and demanding why i don't complain about liberals the same way as i complain about conservatives, do i not realize that all partisanship is evil? Don't you realize that we must accept all viewpoints? Don't you see that the people for gay marriage and the people against it are totally the same, in a cosmic sense? My response is this -- when conservatives go to far, we get war. When liberals go to far, we get... uhh, expensive healthcare? Too much art funding?
Also... i don't encounter any liberals these days. In Tennessee, they're not in the streets and not on the radio. The last time i remember being annoyed by a liberal was about 12 years ago in college, when i was in an english class with some curly-haired douchebag who was the most pretentious, whiny, entitled sack of crap ever. Since then, nothing.

Conservatives these days don't even know what they believe anymore. All it took was one president with a foreign name to change them all from authoritarians to anarchists. I mean, the jobs report this month was dismal, and they're gloating about it...

See! We told you Obama was going to wreck the economy! He allowed the sequester to happen, and the sudden reduction in government spending cost us jobs! Because what's hurting the economy is too much government spending! The only way to bring back jobs is by radically slashing government spending. Oh, god, the Army base over in Crocketsville just laid off 150 contractors, and now they're unemployed, all because Obama cut government spending! WHY?

I don't even know what to say.

Behance gallery.