Sunday, April 21, 2013

Always wrong

Conservatives are so used to being wrong at this point, they don't even notice anymore.  Let's review the last week, shall we?

In Boston, there was a bombing perpetrated by two lone losers.  The citizens of this blue state, Taxachusetts, responded with strength and resilience.  The criminals were apprehended quickly as a result of both watchful citizens doing their part, and a massive effort by law enforcement.  Boston is still healing, but they've handled the situation in the best way possible.

Meanwhile, in red state Texas, a fertilizer plant exploded, killing more people than the Boston bombers.  The nation goggled in horror and confusion at the fact that the plant hadn't been inspected by OSHA since the '80s, had thousands of tons of unregistered ammonium nitrate, and was too close to nursing homes, schools, and residences.  Oh, and Rick Perry had slashed the firefighting budget.  All in all, it was a huge, visible, embarrassing failure of laissez-faire capitalism.

How do the righties deal with being so wrong?

By whining, bitching, and moaning.  By making up ludicrous narratives in which two losers with pressure-cooker bombs are equivalent to 9-11, which means that Obama is just as bad as Bush for failing to stop it!   And after amping up the threat to elephantine proportions, they mock and deride the response, and blather that the Boston lockdown was evidence of the people being "cowed, coerced, scared, timid, controlled" by authorities.

Sorry, teatards, you're just jealous 'coz blue states do it better.

Oh, and as a final indignity?  Even the talk radio goons have started admitting that they were totally WRONG about the economy.  For years, they've been predicting the collapse of the currency, and urging their braindead listeners to dump stocks and buy gold.  Gold, gold!  Why, in six months, wheelbarrows of cash won't be enough to buy a loaf of Obamabread, but come the apocalypse, a single gold coin will make you the new neighborhood potentate.

....wrong.  Wrong again.  Always wrong.

Behance gallery.


Kagekatsu said...

Because liberals are completely infallible, am I right?

BTW, you're kind of doing the exact same thing you criticize conservatives doing when you're trying to use a tragedy as a means of saying "See! My side is soooooo much better."

Unknown said...

In these cases, yes, I am claiming just that. I haven't heard many liberals claiming that the price of gold is going to freaking quadruple.

Liberals? Not infallible. But people like you confuse me -- so many people say the exact same thing to me. Criticizing anyone or anything is impossible! Both sides are bad, everything is subjective, there is no wrong or right, everybody is equal and gets a trophy?

How old are you? I have a theory that this bizarre psycho-egalitarianism is the result of American schools and their zero-tolerance policies on... well, anything.

Kagekatsu said...

So in your opinion, because apparently all conservatives in your eyes are evil homophobic reactionary xenophobes, we should just vote for liberals because they keep purporting themselves "paragons" of enlightenment and progress, and not because in reality their manipulating demographics to grab a few extra votes?

Unknown said...

Not at all. Vote for decent conservatives if there are any left. I don't seen any, but they might be out there on a local level. Avoid the ones who scream about socialism and holy war, the ones who claim that gays are trying to destroy society, and especially avoid the ones telling you to buy gold, because some sort of eschaton is nigh. Those are the ones to avoid.