Sunday, August 04, 2013

Hail to the King

(Warning: Non-political post)

Wow, i just read some of the sweestest words ever: "NBC announced on July 13th that they are planning a new miniseries based on Stephen King's The Tommyknockers."


See, i'm a Stephen King fan.  I can't help it, i like his stuff.  And everyone knows that while a lot of King's works have been translated onto the big and small screen, the success rate when it comes to quality is about 20%.  For every Kubrick The Shining we also get a weak The Stand and a dreadful Langoliers.  But now that Under the Dome has been a (financial) success, it looks like the money men are ready to jumpstart the King revival.  Maybe some of it will be done right this time.  How about a new version of It?  A version of The Stand where Randall Flagg doesn't look like some old biker and Harold is actually fat?  Or, in the best of all worlds, a really excellent HBO series of The Dark Tower?

This is the one time when Hollywood's thirst for remakes might actually do some good.

The Dark Tower.  When reading that series recently, i was struck at how perfect a series it could make if done properly -- despite the fact that it deals with universe-spanning epic events, the action is always presented in a smallish, personal context.  Roland talks with Walter in the place of bones.  Eddie and Susannah on a beach.  The showdown with Blake inside a train.  The dusty Calla Bryn Sturgis... heck, even when they finally locate the ultimate threat -- the Breakers of Algul Siento -- it's presented as little more than a posh condominium resort.  It's one of the biggest and most epic stories ever told, but isn't bogged down by massive LOTR-style battles or set pieces.

For right now, i'll slaver in anticipation of this new proposed Tommyknockers.  Come on, let's see Bobbi actually change and turn evil this time. 



Kagekatsu said...

I actually liked the Stand miniseries in a sort of "So Bad its Good" thing. Grab a few beers and you're set.

I also have heard there been some plans to adapt the Dark Tower to film for years, last I heard Ron Howard was attached but that was all I heard since then.

And there's only one cowboy fit to play Roland:

Unknown said...

Yeah, the Ron Howard films are dead; which is probably for the best. The Dark Tower needs to be a Game of Thrones-style series, not a load of truncated Hollywood spectacle-crap.

Hmmm, he looks a bit too young for Roland. I've heard people mention...

....Peter fucking Weller. Buckaroo Banzai, baby.

Kagekatsu said...

Point...perhaps Bruce Willis or Josh Brolin then.

Of course, if this had come 20 years later, no one else but Clint Eastwood would have been suitable.

As for Randall Flagg, this is one of those moments I wish Heath Ledger hadn't died because he'd be perfect. Since that's not an option, I'd nominate Jarvier Bardem on account of Skyfall and No Country for Old Man.

Unknown said...

Good choices, i'd definitely take Brolin over Willis, though. Bruce Willis as Rolan would be like seeing Sean Connery as Gandalf; i'd always realize i was looking at the actor, not the character.


Ok, not really.