Thursday, August 29, 2013

Permanent Daylight

Sigh.  War?  No war?  What the fuck?

An atmosphere of permanent war.  It's just another sign of the pervasisve, low-level insanity that is basically infecting every level of our society.  When i really think of how things are now, it's hard not to be angry and disgusted all of the time.  Almost everything is tragically flawed in some crucial way.

College costs.  If you want to become a doctor, an engineer, or anything else that is useful to society, you have to pay an insane amount of money.  I have no problem with poetry and philosophy degrees remaining luxury items, but useful professions?  Why do we make it so hard to get through the gate?  What if  you wanted to join the military, but had to pay $60,000 to do so?  We would call that madness, would we not?

Shitty food.  If you want to remain healthy, you have to avoid 90% of the food that is shoved at you.  I've been eating way healthier lately, which means that most of what i shove down my face hole comes from the produce section or the other outside areas of a grocery store, where you can still find the unprocessed foods that are actually meant to be eaten.  And you have to shun all the convenient shit that is pushed from fast-food joints and vending machines, turn down all the sugary crap that appears at parties and other people's houses.  If you just take what society gives you, you're basically poisoning yourself.

Cigarettes.  Alchohol.  Prescription drugs.  It's all poison.

Half of our citizens are working jobs where they break their backs and are on their feet all day.  The other half sit down all day until their bodies atrophy.  Either way, you're a cog doing a job.  Humans serve the machine.  The machine doesn't serve the humans.

I work nights, so i avoid the traffic.  But every morning, i see the highway going into the city clogged with thousands upon thousands of cars going 5 miles an hour.  We built cars to get places faster, right?

Television.  A brilliant device invented by brilliant people, a technology designed to transmit information... is now mostly used to beam images of the stupidest, most grotesque, most backwards, vile, and selfish idiots at us.  It's like using nanotechnology to produce fake vomit and dog shit.


I'm just sleepy, addled, and discontent right now.   Everything looks iffy.  Ignore me.



Kagekatsu said...

If you're talking about Syria, the whole damn thing is a mess we shouldn't be involved in, yet Obama is perfectly willing to do so. When the Republicans are saying war with Syria is a bad idea, that's a sign you need to rethink things. (Yes I know they'd be saying otherwise if Romney was in charge, but still).

As for television, I'm with you there. Shows like Firefly and Arrested Development get cancelled, yet shit like the Kardashians and Honey Boo Boo breaks ratings. (At least we have Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad).

Unknown said...

Oh, yes.

I live in a split household. I want to watch Breaking Bad, while my brother's girlfriend wants to watch Duck Dynasty.

It can get messy.