Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Great Big Maybe in the Sky

By the way, i'm a pure agnostic, in case you were wondering.

I have no idea what lies beyond life; continued existence or the nightmare of oblivion?  Either possibility seems equally unlikely and equally ludicrous; the fact that anything manages to exist at all is still counterintuitive to me.  As for what it is, and what we really are, i have no clue.

It's like...'s like having a big box sitting in the middle of your living room.  This box has a countdown clock that slowly ticks down from about sixty years, and occasionally gives a random BEEP that means it might open at any time.  Inside the box is either everything you ever wanted, or a bomb that will destroy you. 

You get so used to the box that you sometimes forget it's there.  But every so often (like when i had a near-miss on the highway today,) you remember that this box is going to pop open someday.  That much is certain.  And either it will be the best thing ever, or the end of everything.

The conclusion that i always come to is.... whatever actually exists, just focus on being an awesome motherfucker. 

You might be an awesome motherfucker made of random, soulless atoms that exists for no purpose, utterly void of meaning.

Or you might be an awesome motherfucker of an eternal soul, existing forever in an infinite pantheon of glory.

Either way, no matter what happens, you're still an awesome motherfucker giving the finger to the whole universe.  It's the one thing they can't take away from you.



Kagekatsu said...

I always wonder whether the reason people believe or don't believe whether there is a God or an afterlife is whether one feels the existence of life is proof of divine intervention or merely an fortuitous accident. Both sides would probably have plenty of reason to argue in favor for.

Unknown said...

They do. And they both make good cases, it's hard to decide.

Religious people are all like, "life sucks, what if there's a way cooler life afterwards? That would rock."

And atheists are like, "religious people suck ass, so i can't believe the same thing as them, that'd make me just as lame as them."