Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Ahead of the Curve

You can go to a lot of teablogs these days, the dens of the true blue conservatives, and read the equivalent of the following...

George W. Bush was a disaster, an honest but clueless dimwit who foolishly overspent and got us involved in two overseas wars that we had no business being in.

Bob Dole was a doddering old establishment hack.

John McCain is a mentally unbalanced, trigger-happy loon who should have retired years ago because he has no idea what is going on and is just embarrassing himself.  A soulless sellout and a shellshocked tragedy of a man.

Mitt Romney was a pompous, overstuffed fraud, a spoiled goofball, and a perfumed, manicured weakling who had no business ever running for President.  The worst candidate in modern memory.

.....and i agree.

Republicans, we are more alike than you think.  We both hate the people you put up for President, it's just that we realize how full of shit they are BEFORE they can win.  You figure it out two years later.



Kagekatsu said...

Now if only the Daily Kos and other prog-lib-blogs can realize what we've been saying about Obama for the past five years.

Unknown said...

What, that he's the best Republican president in our lifetime?

Continued Bush's national defense policies.

Hawkish on overseas Muslim dictators.

Implemented Heritage Foundation's "market-based, individual mandate" healthcare plan.

Assassinated Osama bin Laden.

....honestly, the best Republican President in our lifetime.

Kagekatsu said...

So you finally realized that in the end, all you really elected was eight more years of the same old crap.

Unknown said...


Definitely an upgrade. A man who seems to make decisions based on the good of America, not the good of Republican-owned corporations.

Both parties operate within the same power structures and have to make decisions based on the reality they find...

...it's just that conservatives govern so poorly because, philosophically, they view the government as an enemy to be infiltrated and harvested for the good of the private sector. Democrats govern better because they are less concerned with Halliburton's bottom line and more with the UNENDING DOMINANCE OF THIS NATION.

Kagekatsu said...

Your saying "Obama isn't a corporate puppet" when he's done nothing to take action against the Wall Street bankers that continue to screw over the average American, those very same bankers and execs that currently staff his cabinet.

Yes, the GOP is the party of big business, but to say that "But the Dems are totally different!", is naive at best.

Unknown said...

Wait... i remember when Obama tried to take minor actions against companies receiving bailouts -- like limiting CEO pay -- the Republicans screamed bloody murder about socialism.

I never understand this. Your side tries to hobble Obama at every turn. Congress blocks everything. The only strong actions he can take are though executive orders, but usually only those where there is a precedent. He demands more action, and the entire legislative branch sits with its thumb up its ass... and then you complain that he isn't doing enough.

"I called Obama a dictator and a tyrant... but damnit, why isn't he man enough to seize ultimate power and lay down the law as he sees fit? What is he, a pussy?"

I really do not know what you people expect of him. He's the commander-in-chief of a massively corrupt and sluggish behemoth. And when dealing with Congress, it's like watching someone try to walk an obese dog that refuses to move.

Kagekatsu said...

Personally, I'd say its the opposite in that Congress has given Obama everything he wants. The stimulus, the "Affordable" Care Act, drone strikes, Patriot Act extension, not repealing his offshore drilling moratorium, letting him go to war in Libya without Congressional approval, the list goes on.

And even if I'm supposed to believe his decisions are "for the good of the country", how exactly is his presidency an improvement over Bush?

Our economy is still in the tank despite all his stimulus, the only reason the unemployment rate is dropping is because people have given up looking for work, not to mention we are running double digit debt in the trillions.

Gas is still expensive, the price of commodities has increased due to that ethanol-gasoline thing. Half of America is scraping by paycheck to paycheck while Obama is taking summer vacation at Martha's Vineyard.

Far from making healthcare affordable, Obamacare is causing premiums to rise, businesses are having to cut wages, benefits and hours because they can't afford to pay for it.

Obama was elected in the hopes he would put an end to Bush's abrogation of constitutional rights and police-state policies, instead he has expanded them under his watch.

And far from making the U.S. respected once more in the eyes of the world, with the drone strikes, spying, and his saber-rattling in Syria, I think our moral standing is even worse

But hey, at least he killed bin Laden.

Unknown said...

Economy in the tank!

Yeah, at this point, nothing short of some kind of impossible golden age would be enough. We see the economy plummet and fracture under Bush, and see it slowly limp back to almost-normal under Obama... and you say, eh, same thing.

Sadly, the vast trends in the economy are not under the presidents' control. If the economy is so bad, why not point the finger at the dismal Republican House, aka the Worst Congress Ever?

Kagekatsu said...

I'm sorry, how exactly have we "recovered"? With prices of fuel, food and other commodities still high, billions wasted on things like the subsidies to Solyndra, etc. BTW, that "Worst Congress ever" also includes the Democratic controlled Senate, so include them on the memo too.

And even I do believe you that Obama has helped contribute to the economy's improvement, is that enough to ignore everything else that has occurred under his administration? The spying, the drone strikes, making us look like even bigger fools to the world then Iraq ever did?

Bush kept trying to say the economy was doing well under his watch as well to make us ignore everything else, just saying.

Unknown said...

Yeah, there are still problems. But sadly, all these issues you raise are caused by the inefficiencies of capitalism, and the inertia of entrenched interests.

I, too, wish that Obama could have been a true revolutionary. That he could have taken the Capitol like fire, purged it of lobbyists and shills, and brought about a New Pure Order. All corporations brought to heel, all resources seized, all activity directed by a central power base whose only goal was the betterment of all; total employment, fair distribution of resources, maximum efficiency.

It would have been awesome.

Sadly, if you allow the banksters to roam free -- instead of executing them for their crimes -- then you remain with a world very much like the one that was, full of expensive gas, inefficiency, and a radically bifurcated world of rich criminals and poor peons.

I feel your pain.

Kagekatsu said...

Assuming you're not being facetious about that statement, that solution is just as bad as no regulation at all. The Soviets basically put all planning in a central power base and the result was an economy that became stagnant and eventually led to its collapse.

I do believe some regulation to corporations is required, but on a limited scale. Basically adjust it to where the worst abuses are punished but there remains room for competition and free enterprise to flourish. That would not happen if you we were to go like you said, assuming you weren't just joking.

And even then, if a person were to do such a thing, it certainly will not be Obama and the Democrats who are in their pocket. For instance, Apple which enforces DRM policies designed to dick over customers and basically acts like a monolith of douchebaggery towards its competitors, donated heavily to Obama's campaign in 2012.

Unknown said...

I'm being ironic, yes.

I find it amazing that we have a president with limited powers sitting atop a massive government, sitting atop a leviathan system of industry and finance, that is mostly controlled by the interests of billionaires, inertia, and corruption.

And yet people will blame the prez for things like gas prices and unemployment. It's like asking the captain of the Titantic to jump into the water and steer the ship away from the iceberg with his bare hands.

Republicans prevent the President from doing much, and then scream that he's not doing enough. And people buy it.