Monday, September 23, 2013


It sucks to have a racist family member, especially if it's someone you care about.  But sometimes the back-and-forth is hilarious... but depressing.

Me: "There's a new hot white girl at my job.  There are a lot of hot girls there, but not many hot white girls.  She's kinda country, but really hot."

Racist Family Member: "If there's no hot white girls there, there are no hot girls there."

Me:  "What, a girl has to be white in order to be hot?"

Racist Family Member: "Yes."

Me: "So nonwhite girls can never be hot, according to you."

Racist Family Member: "Correct."

Me: "No way.  That Muslim girl i used to work with was mad hot."

Racist Family Member: "It doesn't matter how they look.  Even if they're hot, you know that underneath it all, all they're thinking is "kill Whitey."

Me: "You realize that the only reason why you think everyone else is racist, is because you're racist and you're projecting it on everyone else?"

Racist Family Member: "Everyone is racist."

Me:  "That hot Muslim girl wasn't racist.  She loved white guys.  All she ever talked about was how much she loved Channing Tatum."

Racist Family Member: "That doesn't matter."

There's just no reaching some people.  It's sad.  It's sad.



Kagekatsu said...

Regarding RFM's...Well, let's just say someone in my family is of the opinion all Arabs should be deported and leave it at that.

Off-topic, did you catch the finale to Breaking Bad?

Unknown said...


At first, i was a little miffed that they went the crowdpleasing route -- a shootout with the Nazis and Walt coming out on top, after spending the previous 7 episodes having every ounce of his power stripped away... but when i watched it the second time, just now, i liked it more. It's perfectly in line with the rest of the series. In every season, Walt is backed into a corner and battles his way out somehow with a combination of science and ruthlessness.

No lengthy flashbacks, no "where they ended up in ten years" epilogues, no ambiguity or Sopranos-style strangeness. Just a simple, effective, brutal little mopping up operation. As other people have pointed out, episode 14 was the true climax, finale, whatever, and the last two were the denouement, falling action, whatever. That's not a bad way to do things, unlike some shows -- Lost -- that try to build everything up to explode in the last two minutes.

Badger and Skinny Pete, the two best hitmen west of the Mississippi. Loved that part.

Sigh. I will miss Walt. He's an unforgettable character. I know i've only been watching this show since March or April, but it feels like a long time.

I wonder... the creator of the show and the original writers are all moving on, no doubt, but the rights to these characters probably rest with AMC. I wonder if they'll ever try to expand the universe? Coming this fall -- The Pinkman Chronicles, or Breaking Bad: The College Years. Because we all know that Jesse Pinkman is going to end up in Alaska, working as a lumberjack/carpenter who solves crimes with his two wacky sidekicks.

Probably not a good idea. But it is possible.

On an unrelated note, by pure chance, this week i'm taking my first vacation in ten years to visit my friend in DC. I was going to see the Smithsonian and the Lincoln Memorial and shit, but it looks like all that is boned.


Kagekatsu said...

Yeah, I heard some people argued that things ended up a bit too neatly for Walt. In the end he got what he wanted, his family's safety and future, Jesse freed from the drug trade, all his loose ends wrapped up, etc. I begged to differ on the fact that Walt spent five seasons essentially drifting further and further into villainy by starting out with noble intentions, until at last, he realized the harm he was committing and decided to earn one last chance at redemption, and he did.

My favorite scene had to be when Jesse was leaving Jack's hideout, you can just see how glad he was to finally get away from the game for good. (That and the M60 jerry rig, and Walt finally telling Skyler the real reason he entered the drug trade, and spiking Lydia's tea and...lets just say everything).

In regards to the shutdown, I do remind you this would not have happened if the Dems insisted on pushing an extremely unpopular piece of legislation that nobody wants, and from the looks of it, is doing more harm than good...kind of how Walt originally justified his actions, eh?

Unknown said...

So... Obamacare, which was passed by Congress, signed by the president, upheld by the Supreme Court, and then validated by a national election in which Barack "Obamacare" Obama handily beat Mitt "No Obamacare" Romney... is so unpopular that it must be trashed, but not by the normal means because the votes aren't there?

I mean, if you want it gone, then elect a Republican Senate and a Republican President. That's how it's done.

Have Democrats ever done this? When they controlled Congress between 2006 and 2008 (both houses, not just one,) did they ever say "we demand universal healthcare, and/or expansive gun control and/or immigration reform, and if Bush doesn't sign what we pass, we'll shut the government down until he does."

No. Never happened.

Keep in mind, they're supposed to be passing a budget, which is a normal function. It has nothing to do with Obamacare, except that the Republicans can hold it hostage.

Also, you know how Americans are. If you describe Obamacare to them point-by-point, they like it. But if you present it as some huge package of generalities, all people say is "i'm going to have to fill out forms? I don't like it!"

Even Ted Cruz admits, they have to resort to hostage-taking and other drastic measures NOW because once it gets going, people will like it so much it won't be repealed. And they'll look like the greedy fools they are for telling people it was a boogeyman.