Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rush is right?

Sometimes, conservatives do speak the truth.  The issue is how they say it.  It's not the steak, it's the sizzle, you know?  Remember when Rush Limbaugh said that feminism was invented to give ugly women access to the workplace?  Let me find the exact quote...

"Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society."  -- Rush Limbaugh

Sure, it's any decent person's natural instinct to be repulsed by this boorish drivel and declare it untrue, but then, you think... hey, i've never watched Mad Men, but yeah, wasn't there supposedly a time in America when women were valued most for attractiveness, because their best chance for success in life was to woo and marry a successful man?  And if they couldn't, they had to work, and in the fields open to women, such as secretarial work, the men hiring them would base their decisions on whom they'd like to ogle and maybe pressure into illicit sex?  And that skilled women, older women, women who were good workers, were at a disadvantage against young babes with perky boobs?


Well, that sounds like a kinda fucked-up world.  Maybe that is why feminism was invented, and it sounds like a good thing, if you have any decency or sense of justice and aren't a complete and total sack of shit.  Why does that bloated drug addict say it like its a bad thing?


I mean, they do that with a lot of things.  When listening to conservative radio, they paint the following horrific scenario...

....in a few short decades, unless things change, America will be filled by people who are mostly tan.  All the races will interbreed and the white gene pool will be diluted by all those sexy latino and asian and african genes.  You won't even be able to tell if that dreadlocked young person handing your your morning ultraccino is a blackanese Hawaiin, or a Chinese-Mexican-Samoan,  or a Soledad O'Brien, or a Vin Diesel, or maybe even a Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.  Instead of five races we'll have a million.  Race might even become meaningless.  Even worse,  traditional religion will no longer control people's lives.  It will no longer be the norm to marry the first person who comes along and stick it out forever.  Homosexuals will no longer be discriminated against, and there will be bisexuals and all manner of lesbians, and sex will be rampant and free.  A lesbian might be president, even, in this new world that isn't like the one we know.



Hey, that's probably true.  Why do they keep saying it like it's bad?



Kagekatsu said...

With Rush, I suppose the Broken Clock analogy applies here even if he's being unintentional. Hell, even I agree with Obama on occasion.

Though I argue the problem with feminism, or rather affirmative action has kind of been skewed, rather then hiring someone based on their skill regardless of gender, race or whatever, it seems to be that their hired solely because of their gender, race and whatever just so that they can look diverse and equal, even if they are not qualified for the job. As MLK said, judge by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, we seem to have forgotten the first part and focused solely on the second part. I mean, just look at the amount of people who voted for Obama simply because he was black, not whether he was qualified to be president.

As for the fact that we are a changing nation, well, the challenge is maintaining a balance between progress and tradition. You'll of course have the usual stuck in the mud conservatives who want everything to go back to the 50's when it was just white men that ran things. You also have the real radical lib-progs who seem to think "tradition" and religion are for silly people and we'd be better off without them.

To completely deny progress or to totally forget the traditions of our past are equally terrible choices.

Unknown said...

That does seem to be a problem. My older brother works a very skilled machining job here in Tennessee; everyone who works there is basically a middle-aged white guy with a lifetime of machine experience. But ever since they got a new human resources director, they keep hiring these random black/japanese guys who are clearly unqualified for such a mentally-demanding job (I couldn't do it, either.)

All i hear about is this new Japanese kid, and how they have to give him softball tasks because he can't handle the hard shit.

No one can tell why he's there, except they wanted the place to look less white.