Thursday, January 02, 2014

Brand New Year

Wow, it is frozen outside.  This is neat.  I'm one of those people that loves the cold.  Okay, sure, having to work at 3:00AM when it's 20 degrees outside gets a bit rough, but during the day?  When i'm taking my strangely cold-impervious Jackrat terrier on a chilly walk in the 35-degree weather?  Oh, it's heavenly.  I never want the winter to end.  But it will, so i just gotta enjoy these last few months of blissful cold before.... April.  April, when the bugs awaken.

Right now, i can't remember what 98 degree heat feels like.  Six months ago, i couldn't remember what 28 degree cold feels like.  It's a strange form of amnesia.

You know what?  2013 was a pretty damned good year for me.  I got a raise at my job.  I moved out of the moldy rathole and into a much nicer apartment.  I had more commission work than i could handle, and my night job didn't have any major upheavals.  Well, i lost my two great coworkers and they were replaced by one great coworker and one total dud, but i suppose these things happen.

Do i have resolutions?  You bet i do.  I've already pretty much given up cow milk for almond milk, and promise to continue to eat healthier.  Broccoli and salmon and avocados and onions, oh yes.  Garlic in everything.  More importantly, i'm going to FINALLY take some pauses in my Photoshop work to learn Illustrator and some other programs.  InDesign is probably a cinch, right?

I should also overcome my natural cheapskatery and buy a new tower, one with a 64-bit operating system.  That money does me no good sitting there in the credit union vault.

I would say i mean to be nicer to people and all that crap, but the truth is i'm already nice enough.  Maybe TOO nice. 

2014, people.  Let's do this.

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