Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Youth is Wasted on the Young

This morning, i was going about my usual routine, which involves putting in my contact lenses and immediately taking my dogs outside for a walk. Although i had only been awake for fewer than five minutes, my mind was already slowly grinding into reluctant action, cataloging the numerous small tasks and mundane responsibilities that i would have to handle during the day. Oil change, mail some bills, be at work by 11:50... but then, i was startled by some sudden movement, a flurry of giddy activity. My neighbor's two small daughters were playing outside my door. They were both clad in homemade masks and capes made from gaudy cloth, and were gleefully zooming about, arms outstretched, transformed in their minds into superheroes of some variety, laughing and totally lost in their innocent play. The older one, who is perhaps nine, stopped a bit short when she saw me, and grinned a self-aware grin, suddenly aware of reality intruding on her fantasy. In just a few short years, she will be too old for such sport. The younger one, about five, continued her delirious swooping, totally oblivious to my adult presence...

...and then, i realized that my own childhood was gone forever, and that i could scarcely remember being so incredibly young. And you know, thank god for that. I mean, those kids just looked so fucking stupid, like a couple of retards or something. All small and weak and dumb, and they probably don't have any money, either.
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