Thursday, June 27, 2013

Today is one fruity day!


Oh, here we go again.  Gay marriage is even more of a thing now, and certain people don't like it.  You know the ones.  I'm not sure who to be more entertained by, the ones screaming about "Gamorrah," or the ones attempting to twist some pseudo-legal pretzel of justification for continued discrimination.  Mostly, it's just the same refrain that we heard when they wanted to end slavery.  Or end Jim Crow.  Or let the chicks vote.

"This isn't the way it's always been.  It's always been one way, the way GOD wants it, and you can't do it any other way.  If this stands, get ready to watch everything just fall apart!"

I look forward to hearing the same thing when i'm an old man, and the first genetically-engineered people or people with cyber-brains start being made.  

Because change is eternal, and so is resistance.

In the meantime, if anyone is down about the gays taking over, i recommend listening to some good old fashioned rock balladry, maybe some Elton John?  From "Tiny Dancer" to "Someone Saved my Life Tonight," he has many yearning, heartfelt tunes that can offer needed solace to souls in pain.

Sir Elton, he can get you through the night.

Queen also has some great torch songs.


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