Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Helpful hint


The next time you feel compelled to say any variation on the following...

"This isn't about the environment/public safety/access to elections/national security/fairness/childhood nutrition/education/economic stability, it's about enslaving a free and proud people and making them helpless vassals of the State!"

Just pause for a moment, and think -- it's very possibly about the first thing.  Not the second thing. 

I've been around liberals at certain points in my life, and i've never heard much talk of enslavement.  They mostly talk about movies and weed.

Apropos of nothing, i love this cartoon.  It speaks the truth.



Kagekatsu said...
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Unknown said...

Haa... i like that cartoon of the hippie, then and now. I never trusted the Hippies, because in the end, they're all Baby Boomers.

It's never fun to become inadvertently with an old hippie who talks nostalgically about the Beatles and Wavy Gravy, and then hear them say something rampantly sexist or racist, i.e. "ya gotta beat your girlfriend if she looks at a n**ger." It's really disheartening.

Both sides are okay with authority if they think the authority figure has the moral high ground. Just watch -- right now, every republican is now adopting a position of quasi-anarchy, demanding that the only way to be free is to destroy the government and reorganize into small ranch communities... but just wait until the next Republican President/War with Foreign Power. They'll go right back into Bush mode, and again scream that anyone not willing to DIE for the state is a traitor.

It will happen.