Monday, October 14, 2013

Brang down dem Burricades!

So damn, the shit continues to get more and more real.  Yesterday, this group of Real Americans took to the streets and tore down some dividers... er, foot traffic partitions... no, i mean some BARRICADES in order to protest the government shutdown that they originally clamored for.

...wait, really?  When they heard that the big bad Federal Gubmint was going to close down, they imagined that the parts they liked would be personally exempt?  Christ, what a bunch of babies.  Pull your diapers up, guys.

Look, i ain't mad at these guys.  I like civil disobedience and mischief so long as no one gets hurt.  So more power to you, redneck swarm, you stir that shit up.  The people i have a problem with are all the conservative bloggers who are cumming themselves stupid over these photos, and screeching about people power and takin' it to da streets, and fucking BARRICADES.... 

(Les Miserables, this ain't.  The Friends of the ABC, they are not.)

...because, come on, if the people in that photo were any group apart from old white rednecks, if they were young, or black, or gay, or female, or had long hair -- the same bloggers would be calling for them to be pepper-sprayed, beaten, and arrested.

You know this.

But seriously, just revel in the insanity here.  They want the government to go away, and they they throw tantrums when it does.




Kagekatsu said...

Or perhaps they were protesting why the government thinks they have to close national parks and monuments and arrest 90-year old WWII vets yet the NSA and IRS continue to run normally. For all this talk of the government being shut down, the things that should be shut down are still operating.

Oh, and those people you are chastising by the way are primarily veterans.

Unknown said...

The bloggers i'm chastising are primarily NOT veterans. Trust me on that one. Didn't you read the part where i specifically said i don't mind what the veterans did?

What the right essentially demanded was "let us shut down the government, but please, Mr. Obama, could you issue some executive orders and keep open the nice parts that our constituents like, so people won't blame us?"

Not gonna happen.

Look, i was affected too. I took my first vacation in ten years, went to DC for the first time EVER, and couldn't really do anything because things were shut down. But hey, i'm an adult, so i didn't throw any temper tantrums or try to jump the White House fence and DEMAND my tour.

And look, after two weeks of shutdown, Boehner ended up getting nothing. Thanks, Boehner, you orange fuck.

Kagekatsu said...

Misread, my apologies.

Not like Bohener could have done much anyway, even if the shutdown lasted the rest of the year.

The irony of course is that both parties are going to blame each other for the next few months and we'll hear Maddow and Hannity talk about who won or lost. In reality, nothing really changed, the American people got shafted by their political parties again. Hell, more people than ever think its time for a third party to break the gridlock.

I suppose you're hoping the backlash from the shutdown means voters will remove the "Neo-Nazi Teabaggers" come 2014 and vote in Dems that will finally bring us one step closer to becoming the United Federation of Planets.

Unknown said...

That's my hope, yes.

Kagekatsu said...

Well I'd much prefer the American people finally realize that both their parties are playing them for fools, but I'm an idealistic cynic.

In reality, I think we're probably going to get another GOP House and Demo Senate again until the 2016.

I should also add if you've ever watched DS9, the Federation is shown to not always be the utopian vision Roddenberry hoped for.