Thursday, March 06, 2014

No Fat Kids

Conservatives still confuse me.

Quite frequently they will complain that children today are fat, lazy, and spoiled by indulgent parents who cater to their every whim.  What kids need today more than anything is discipline.  To be kicked outside and forced to do unpleasant things to build up their deficient characters....

...but hey, did you hear about what's going on with school lunches?  Ever since the government started mandating healthier lunches, a growing number of kids are avoiding them, bringing food from home, and throwing out the leafy green vegetables and whole grain breads....

...intolerable!  The conservative screams, that  our precious babies should ever to put in that position.  If they want to eat nothing but cheeseburgers and Mountain Dew, then that is their right as Americans. 

.....whut?  I thought... i mean, i just assumed... they'd say that kids need to eat the healthier food... that they were lucky to even have food... that they should listen to their parents... that personal responsibility including a healthy lifestyle must be brutally drilled into them to keep them away from Obamacare...  Really?  We should let kids eat whatever? 

Umm, okay.

My brain hurts.

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