Friday, March 21, 2014

I want some of what Mark Levin is smoking...

Seriously, i do.

Sometimes say something so stupid, so obviously mendacious and untrue, that i can barely process it.  I'm sitting here, listening to Mark Levin, and he claims...

...that everything went wrong about a hundred years ago.  That was when an "alien" way of thinking invaded America, a way of thinking in which people classified themselves not as individuals, but as members of "groups."  Instead of saying, "i am a human being," they started saying things like "i am a poor person" or "i am a woman" or "i am a black man" or "i am a Latino" or "i am a gay."

This was a crippling and catastrophic change, because before that, the USA was some sort of colorless, genderless, classless meritocracy where everyone was just "a human."

.....wait, what?

Has Mark Levin ever heard of... of... well, HISTORY? 


Look, Levin, start with Jim Crow and work your way backwards.  It just gets worse. 

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