Tuesday, May 06, 2014


Last night while listening to the radio, i received the following warning.  Americans -- you don't understand the reality of the Clintons, the true reality, my friends.  Bill?  Bill is just a talented politician, a back-slapping glad-hander who's an inch-deep and a mile wide; he lucked into the presidency and was just there to savor the perks of the job.  He's an amiable fuzzy-wuzzy good old boy...

...but Hillary?  Hoo-boy.  She is, and always was, the nerve center of the Clinton dynasty.  She's the Machiavellian mastermind, the Mandarin, the Richelieu, the brutally-effective prime minister behind the figurehead.  Her mind is sharp and deadly.  She sees everything through her army of agents, like Littlefinger and the bald guy on Game of Thrones.  She knows all the players, all the angles, coldly analyzing them and moving them around the game board in a brilliant manner, an ever-changing and ever-growing battle that she is determined to win at all costs. No one except her close allies and worst enemies have any real idea how dangerous this woman really is.



I'll vote for that.

It's only fair.

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