Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

I've seen The Dark Knight Rises at least five times by now.  Mostly, i love the damned thing, and i think that a lot of the complaints and nitpicks that people have about it are stupid.

But how did Bruce get back into the City when all the bridges were out?

Uh, by being the goddamned Batman, that's how.  He probably bought some heated scuba gear and one of those little scuba thingies that propel you through the water, and he scuba-dived in at night to a remote pier.  Do you really need to see that?

Why are his knees so damaged?  Why the cane?

Because he fell off two buildings in last movie, ya maroon!

Sigh.  But i have my own nitpicks.  Two things really bug me about this movie.  The first one -- when Roland, er, John Daggett casually mentions...

"Your hit on the stock exchange didn't work, my friend! And now you've got my construction crews going all around the city..."

What, really? This Daggett guy, he hired Bane to do one specific job -- but at some point, Bane said "Hey, let me use your concrete-pouring company to do some mysterious stuff all over the city. It will take months, cost a fortune, and be highly suspect, but i promise it will pay off later. It will be a surprise! Just trust me on this one."

"Hell, no, if you want to do that, you have to tell me exactly what my trucks will be used for."

"Okay. At some point, i will grow to be such a threat that Gordon will send nearly every cop down into the sewers to find me. Then we shall blow the concrete and trap them all down there. I know that they shall do this, rather than, say, send a few SWAT teams after me, because i am 1/4 gypsy and thus have remarkable fortunetelling abilities."

Sheesh. Instead of the sewer plot, why not just blow up all the major police stations, leading the police to disperse, and establishing that most of the cops are like that Foley guy and hiding for fear of being killed?  And then they'd all be inspired at the end and show up for the showdown?

My main complain, though, is... Bane's death.  It's horrible.  My god. Christopher Nolan, this is so easy. Here's what you do.  Batman fights Bane, Bane suffers a mortal injury - stabbed through the guts or whatever. He's dying, slowly.  Talia stabs Bruce, and then removes Bane's mask -- because he's dying and won't need it, see -- and reveals Tom Hardy's handsome little face, ruined by scars and patches of pale white flesh where his mask was. She gives her speech about his tragic past while he slowly wheezes and fades. Bane gets one or two heartfelt lines about his love for Talia or some recognition of his twisted fate, something about him having regrets, or no regrets, delivered in his normal, unamplified voice, and he looks pitiful and human and sad. He dies. Talia leaves and then Catwoman blows in and saves Bruce from two of the random thugs who are about to kill him.

And leave everything else the same.

So easy. My god, if those two things could be changed, this movie would be so perfect.

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