Sunday, December 02, 2012

The Zero state

I just read the most amazing political rant. No words can preface this glory. Check this out....

"Whether individually or collectively, man’s trajectory can be seen as a simply geometric ray, with one end rooted in an annihilation by complete oppression — a spiritual or physical zero state — and the other end free to rise as high as the spirit can rise, which in the abstract is unbounded. This simple model is seen throughout the human experience; throughout the mind’s exploration of its matrix — on any and all levels we either lead apart in individualism and progress, or we are led together in a collective captivity. The organized, “progressive” left simply wishes a kind of ordered, enforced, inescapable zero state; that characteristic cesspool of envy and covetousness and the theft of anything they can creep over and consume.

The truly free, on the other hand, point a way to the highest ideals and principles the mind can construct. There we can be boundless under God. In fact, there we can imagine and touch God.

How the left would use the greatest evident, ideological failure in mankind’s history to erect yet another experiment in statism on the obliterated foundations of is a testament to the nature of evil; evil being most fundamentally apathy and sloth. These leftist tells are synonymous with the left’s characteristic, historical envy and theft, which are naturally bound up in its enticing, concealing, familiar lie.

But how the rest of us would allow this to occur and occur again is a testament to the fear they’ve instilled in us to be very importantly other than what we must be. It is thereby significantly more difficult to treat rot and decay than to be rot and decay and it’s past time a complacent right got this dynamic back in its sights and resolved itself to do that eternally more difficult task. The right must restore liberty against an active and very expert opposition, and this will certainly require enormous effort, resource, and human capital. Look at how far The Lie has taken them this time!

None of the situation we find ourselves in is about the contemporary failure of our political opposites. Given what we know about ourselves by way of the hundreds of millions of lives they have cost mankind, they have succeeded quite brilliantly in foisting on us again what must never be allowed to reoccur." god.

It's all so clear now. I must escape the zero-state abyss that the Democrats desire to reduce me unto. I must realign the matrix of my mind-ray to be more congruent with the geometry of the boundless god. I must un-happen the destiny which will then fail to reoccur. I must... vote for Newt Gingrich. Only he can make my spirit soar to its infinite capacity. My brothers and sisters, it is the only way.

Join us.

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