Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Blam Blam Blam

Good lord.  If i could wave my hand and magically make Teabaggers aware of their grotesque tunnel vision, i would.  Maybe.  Take this recent phenomenon of kids being suspended from school for bringing Nerf guns, cap guns, and squirt guns to school -- or biting a Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun, or talking fondly of guns.

I totally agree that this is insane, and that the zero-tolerance policies of these dickweed teachers and fuckface principals are worthy of nothing but ridicule and scorn.  They should be shamed publicly, and pelted with snowballs, old batteries, dirty diapers, and banana peels full of hobo cum. (*Spoony ref.)

I think we can all agree on that.  

The part where we disagree is when teabag loons see this as some sort of coordinated leftist uber-plot to disarm the populace, that Obama is sitting at his desk and receiving calls -- what, Timmy Gooner made a Pop-Tart gun in Peoria?  Suspend!  

Ludicrous.  Sometimes a dickweed school official is just a dickweed school official.  This is the equivalent of tracking down a few cases where white Christians assult black people, and declaring that all churches are hotbeds of Racist Crime -- secret cells of the Right-Wing Negrocide Agenda!

See how silly that sounds?

When teabags focus like this on single incidents, i want to ask them -- hey, morons, what about the entertainment industry that you supposedly loathe for being too violent?  How is the communist conspiracy to "brainwash children into hating the very idea of guns" supposed to take root when kids can play an endless array of first-person shooting games and watch tons of bullet-filled Hollywood action movies, and listen to rap music that glorifies guns?  Rata-tat-tat?

Wasn't that the previous complaint, that kids were being turned into psychopathic gun nuts through the media?  If the entertainment industry is leftist, and leftists are trying to obliterate guns, then why do they allow the entertainment to overuse guns in every art form we have?

Hell, i just watched Wreck-It Ralph, the latest movie from Disney.  DISNEY.  As you might know, it features a Halo-like heroine named Sgt. Calhoun who rarely goes anywhere without her BFG, which she uses to blast baddies at a rate that would make Clint Eastwood jealous.  And the fact that she's voiced by and patterned after Jane Lynch makes it even more delightful.  And even though she does fall in love, she never renounces the gun and its awesome ability to slaughter waves of Cy-Bugs.

But no, kids aren't going to pay attention to movies and video games and music superstars, they're going to emulate the shriveled dickbag principal who squeals at them that guns are bad.  Don't you cretins realize that when authority figures tell kids that something is bad, it makes kids want whatever it is even more?

Gosh, teabaggers, you sure sound silly now.  All that ink you've spilled over this latest vast left-wing conspiracy seems like a waste.



Kagekatsu said...

The problem with a lot of the proposed legislation for gun restrictions is that they appear to be punishing law-abiding gun-owners for the actions of one mass-murdering lunatic in Connecticut. All the restrictions wouldn't have stopped Adam Lanza from going on his rampage because for one, he was already breaking the law by stealing his mother's rifle. Now, I'm not saying we go the other route and demand everyone has a gun. But the problem is that all these proposed gun restrictions are extremely arbitrary. I mean, Chicago is currently having problems with gang violence and shootings, and it has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

Point is, if the government is trying to prevent another Sandy Hook from occurring, they're going about it the wrong way. They would be far more effective by perhaps promoting gun safety and responsible firearms use to gunowners, and maybe be more importantly, perhaps have the state provide support to mentally ill people like Lanza so they never even think about finding a weapon to use at a school. But all these proposed gun restrictions to me is just a band-aid solution that in the end, satisfies no one.

Also, you're telling everyone that people's fears over the government restricting their rights are unfounded, when it just came out that the NSA has been spying on us over the internet.

Unknown said...

Well... read my post again. It has nothing to do with the topics you raised. I hear what you're saying, and i don't think gun laws will reduce violence, nor do i think that the government is above taking people's guns away.

This is about the education system, and whether or not the actions of a few scared administrators reacting to a climate of panic = a coordinated psyops conspiracy to brainwash children. That is what some right-wingers are claiming, and i disagree. It's just a bunch of anal cunts acting alone.

Kagekatsu said...

Well, that we can agree on. The American education system is fucking atrocious these days. And teachers like the ones you describe only fuel the flames.

Hell, I remember when people thought Lanza's rampage was attributed to playing Mass Effect, even though it turned out that was his cousin's favorite game, not his.

Unknown said...

I attribute Lanza's rampage to that awful haircut he had. Awful, just awful.