Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Universe Next Door

I don't know if Edward Snowden is a hero or a zero.  I don't know how exactly i feel about this entire NSA affair.  I don't have it in me to jump up and scream "tyranny!" or "traitor!"

It's a complicated situation.

There's only one thing i know -- in the universe next door, Americans are OUTRAGED.  The media is aghast at the latest revelations coming from the whistleblowers.  For you see, a terrorist attack happened on American soil, and it was not stopped.  Now that the wreckage is being cleared and the bloody chunks of citizens are being buried, we're finding out that that the evil-doers who perpetrated this heinous deed were in constant communication with one another, making calls for months between New York and Riyadh, New York and Chicago, Chicago and Dubai.  It was all there in Verizon's databases but no one in the US government had access to this info.  For you see, President Obama shut down the NSA divisions that would have overseen this sort of thing.  He did this with great fanfare after taking office in 2009 -- declaring an end to to Bush abuses, an NSA program started in 2002, which had already cost 2 billion dollars, was scrapped to the delight of the ACLU and civil libertarians...

...and now here we are, twelve years after 9-11, still deaf and dumb to the threats facing the homeland.  How wrong we were to trust this clueless hippie, this flower child Obama, this moonbeam chaser, who naively believes that if we act nice to the world they'll be nice to us.  Does he not understand?  Does he not understand that every life lost in this recent attack is on HIS head and no other?  Calls from the right for Obama's resignation are increasing!  FOX News begins its impeachment countdown!


See, the reason Americans are never happy is because we want it all.  At all times.  We want freedom and security.  We want blind patriotism and virulent dissent. We want high returns and low interest rates.  We want low taxes and more services.  We want great taste and less filling, we want the cake and want to eat it, too.  It's all part of our character, to think that life can be perfect if only we make all the correct choices.  There is one right way and we SHALL find it.  It sounds like i'm criticizing America, but just the opposite.  This drive towards perfection is what makes our country awesome.  Other nations have put up with far worse tyrannies, far worse outrages, regimes and insanities that last decades, because there's always a majority of their population that will say, "this is necessary, this is just how life is, we can't hope for more than the glorious regime of General Krull."

Proceed, America.  Shoot for the stars, baby.  We'll get to the moon at least.

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Kagekatsu said...

Obama also approved of the Patriot Act extension, NDAA, using drone strikes to target American citizens without trial. All this despite saying he would put a stop to the abuses of the Bush administration during his election. And despite all of this, I don't feel we are any safer.

Benjamin Franklin had a saying "He who trades freedom for stability gets neither".

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sick of that quote. Historical figures say things within the context of their time, that make sense in their specific circumstances, and then these quotes are culled, cropped, and cherrypicked and held up as some sort of eternal, unquestionable commandments. All so that people don't have to think for themselves.

May i counter with another? Let's see, how about... something from Abe Lincoln.

"It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Oh snap! Take that, Franklin! Your quote is totally defeated!

See how silly that is?

Also, are you pretty much admitting that everything Bush did to keep us safe isn't really keeping us safe? Good lord, i wish you people had been saying this stuff back in 2002, when it might have made a goddamned difference.

Kagekatsu said...

Abe Lincoln also suspended habeas corpus and wanted to send the slaves to a colony in Africa. Just saying he's not exactly a saint. That and I can also argue that quote you reference is itself out of context.

And we were in fact shouting that Bush was trampling on our constitutional rights in the name of "Fighting terrorism", I'm talking the actual libertarian, constitutionalists conservatives, not the RINO Tea Party, alongside the Dems. But when Obama got elected and continued and expanded the same policies, the Dems went "Well, its okay as long as our guy is in charge".