Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Paradoxical Republican

I find it funny when conservatives propose solutions to problems, knowing full well that they'd also oppose the solution if anyone ever tried to implement it.

"Guns have nothing to do with school shootings!  Adam Lanza and James Holmes were mentally ill -- we should do nothing about guns, and focus on mental health..."

"Okay, well, we could mandate mental health screenings for all children in public schools and..."

"What?!  You want to create a wasteful trillion-dollar government evil program to enslave my child's mind?  Our souls do not belong to you!  Tyranny!  Impeach Obama!"

You know that's how it'd go.  They do it all the time.

"Syria is falling apart!  Why hasn't Obama done something to stop the senseless bloodshed?"

"Okay, the US is going to arm the rebels and..."

"What?!  They're Islamists and Muslimists and all sort of Al-Qaeda!  Not one dime!  Isolationism!"


Also, just this morning, i heard a right-wing talker claim that global warming has been disproven through pure hard science.  Anyone who looks at the pure, hard science will come to the conclusion that the earth is not warming -- anyone who believes otherwise is beholden to an "ideology."

....and not five minutes later, he claimed that global warming can't exist because of GOD.  Because God knew beforehand "what we would be, what we would create" and would benevolently alter the composition of the atmosphere in response.

Which is funny.  If it weren't so stupid.

The talker in question, Michael Delgiornio of Nashville, is a fairly hefty guy.  I wonder if he eats cakes and pies and bacon casseroles because he knows that God will magically counteract any cholesterol in his veins?

 Probably.  Probably.



Kagekatsu said...

And let me guess, liberals and progressives are never hypocritical.

Is that why they passed a healthcare program that the common people will never afford while they have their own privately ensured plans?

Unknown said...

Wait, now i'm confused. I thought the complaint against Obamacare was that it would give too much free care to undeserving poors?

Anyone can be hypocritical. But the Republicans have reached a level where literally, everything they say is bullshit, everything is a desperate oh-god-we-gotta-win-the-next-election-or-we're-finished gambit. They're for everything and against everything all at once.

Unknown said...

Also... i've never heard a liberal say "don't worry. It's not a problem. God will take care of it with magic."

Kagekatsu said...

No, and if you bothered to actually read the complaints about Obamacare, you would know this by now. Actually, the whole system is designed purposely so that it would force us to go single-payer, and then the real problems begin.

If what the GOP says is bullshit, and I agree to an extent. Do you also say the same thing goes with the Democrats? Or is it that you truly believe that they have our best interests at heart.

And, you know what, I'm not calling them liberals because modern liberals themselves are an antithesis of classic liberals like John Locke, they're actually more like progressives. They don't say "God will make everything better", yes. What they actually like to say is "If you don't support and think like we do, you have no place in our World of Enlightenment and Progress"

Unknown said...

But... i want a single-payer system.

Unknown said...

And sure, Democrats can be douches. Why does everyone ask me that? Just because i abhor the Republican party doesn't mean i automatically love everything NOT the Republican Party.

No political party will have all the answers, but the overall swerve we've taken in the last 30 years, frittering away our prosperity on endless tax cuts and needless wars, was initiated by the Republican Party acting at the behest of a wealthy few.

You know how you can tell the Republicans suck? Ten years after they do something, once the impetus of "gotta beat the libruls" fades, even Republicans hate Republican ideas.

Hell, every online teabagger who sucked record amounts of Bush & Cheney cock from 2001-2008 now completely disavow everything they ever did.

Deficits? Wars? Patriot Act? The NSA? We loved it all back then, but not now!


Kagekatsu said...

Yeah, single-payer is great until we run out of money for it. Then watch as we have to ration health-care due to rising costs. We're already seeing it happen in Britain, the model that inspired it in the first place.

What really should happen is that people be allowed to put tax-free money into a medical savings account and the removal of unnecessary bureaucratic institutions like the FDA. (That and legalize weed).

As for the "Why does everyone ask me that?", it may have something with how you pretty much do nothing except talk about how evil the GOP is without mentioning the Dems in the same light. If you want people to stop asking that why don't you take aim at the Dems for a change.

And the thing about the wars, Patriot Act and NSA. The Democrats railed about it for years under Bush. But once Obama got elected:

"Well, as long as our guy is in charge, its okay!".


Unknown said...

Well, obviously, it's because i hate the Republican Party way more. Look, one guy's blog is not going to be a perfectly balanced, fair, encyclopepic codex that fully explains and compares all thing in perfect harmony. One guy's blog is going to be an outlet for that one guy to rant about the things and people that anger him.

I can only do so much, man.

How about this -- i'll talk shit about Republicans, and YOU start a blog that talks shit about the Democrats. Division of labor.


Kagekatsu said...

Well, if you're interested, here's my blog:
