Saturday, June 29, 2013

Visiting the Asylum

In today's dispatch from the fringe asylum.... listen, folks.  This gay marriage thing isn't about gays, and it's not about marriage.  It's about murdering friendship.  That's right.  For you see, from this point on, men can't be friends with men, and women can't be friends with women -- not ever, because if they are seen chumming around with people of the same sex, people will snicker and point and call them gay, which means that all straight people will have NO CHOICE but to stop having friends and rely on the Government for all their companionship needs.

No, really, someone said that.

That didn’t take long: Same-sex “marriage” murders friendship.

Which makes me want to ask two questions.

First off, unless you're some kind of psychological doormat with no spine, why don't you just be friends with whomever you want, and tell anyone who has a problem with it to fuck off?  That's what i've been doing my entire life and it works out pretty well.

Second.... well, it's the same question that Brad Pitt asked Kevin Spacey in the movie Se7en....

"I've been trying to figure something in my head, and maybe you can help me out, yeah? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you're insane? Maybe you're just sitting around, reading "Guns and Ammo", masturbating in your own feces, do you just stop and go, "Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!"? Yeah. Do you guys do that?" 

I wish i could ask that of every person who thinks that the SCOTUS ruling is some sort of psyops ploy to make them feel lonely.  It's not.

It's about freedom, and equality, and fairness, and because we love George Takei so much.

Ohhh, myyyy.



Kagekatsu said...

And I suppose we are supposed the people on the other asylum are genuine champions of civil equality and not, you know, being smug opportunists whose actual concern for gay rights extends to how much it will benefit them in the next election.

Need I remind you many of the Dems applauding DOMA's repeal were the same people that voted it into law in the first place.

Oh, and state the fact we live in freedom knowing those very same words are being monitored somewhere by the NSA.

Unknown said...

There's a bit of dissonance here, where you claim that politicians only do what they do to "win votes," because they're pandering to what people want.

Isn't that the whole reason we elect them in the first place? To do what we say?

Depending on the issue, people want our politicians to do ONLY what the majority want -- 51% vote or nothing.

Or, they want them to be "leaders" and do what is "right," even if 99% of people are against them.

Which is right?

In this case, America's spoken. We want gays to be equal. Unlike many of the things politicians propose, this won't oost us billions of dollars, pollute the environment, or cost any lives. All it will do is piss off Christians.

That's a price i'm willing to pay.

If anyone from the NSA is reading my blog, i hope they like what they see.

Kagekatsu said...

I would much rather vote for the man who was sincere about wanting gay marriage from the start rather the guy who will say and do anything to get himself elected. For the record, Obama said during his first election that he was against same-sex marriage, now I'm supposed to believe he's turned a 180 and is now a crusader for gay rights. And yeah, politicians always exploit whatever the majority swings the other way. Does that mean I should vote for them? Their do-anything-for-a-vote attitude and self-righteousness is so nauseating it makes me want to a vomit. Hell it makes the fucking GOP look good in someways, sure the SoCon Republicans stand on some twisted and warped values, but at least they actually stick to those principles. And when you're making the GOP look good, you're doing something wrong.

Now, I am happy DOMA was repealed, if you took a look at my blog you would know. But DOMA was repealed because the American people made it that way, no matter how much the Dems try to claim credit. (Wouldn't be the first time either. If you heard all the times Obama took credit for killing Bin Laden, you'd think he traveled personally with SEAL Team 6 and pulled the trigger himself. Meanwhile, the SEAL who actually killed Bin Laden is having trouble trying to pay his medical bills, go figure.)

And gay marraige, while I'm happy its finally become a reality, it is not enough to make up for everything else that our government has done the past five years. It's like back when Bush pushed hard for AIDS research and relief in Africa, a nice gesture sure, but it doesn't make up for Iraq.

And the NSA is watching you, and they're probably happy because from their perspective, you're an obedient prole who stands firmly behind the party line and believes everything they say. I doubt they think the same for my words.

Unknown said...

Obedient prole?

Come on, man, that hurts. I've done my share of things. I've done THINGS, man, things you wouldn't believe.

I... don't want to go into more detail than that. There's a bar where we can meet if you want the full scoop. Come alone.

I did read your blog, i just haven't commented. Super busy these days.

Kagekatsu said...

Okay, but you bring the weed and munchies.