Saturday, February 02, 2013

Midgets of Steel

I'm mildly curious about that Man of Steel movie coming out this year.  I mean, i don't really like Superman that much, but i do hope it's better than the previous Superman film.  What i really want to know is, since it's directed by Zach Snyder, will it have one really needlessly graphic sex scene?  Where Superman just DRILLS Lois Lane within an inch of her life?  I like 300 and i love Watchmen, but the needless sex scenes in those movies really stand out.  They're just.... funny.  INSERT PORN INTERLUDE.  I forget if Snyder included a really needless sex scene in Sucker Punch, because that movie seems like a blur now.  If he did, it was probably a really icky rape.  Anyway, maybe Christopher Nolan will take Snyder aside and say, "man, this scene?  I want you to tone it down.  Yes, we all suspect that Superman is a virile guy, but the five minutes of him just nakedly banging away at Lois like crazy, it somewhat disrupts the flow of the film.  Sometimes, less is more, Zach.  Less is more."


In other news, i got a truly nasty taste of winter this morning.  We got about 1" of snow that didn't seem that bad, but the temperature was at that perfect point where it immediately turned to ice as soon as the tires of cars melted it, turning the roads into skating rinks.  It took me nearly 3 hours to get home, and i felt lucky because i wasn't one of the unlucky few who slid into a ditch or against a guardrail.

One of those unlucky ones was a midget, which is interesting because i was remarking to my coworker just a few hours earlier -- i haven't  seen a midget in years.  If you were to judge by watching television, you'd think that midgets compose 20% of the US population.  But i guess they don't, because it's rare to see one just walking around.

Behance Gallery.

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