Monday, February 11, 2013

Not yours.

Holy crap, the teabaggers.  Do they ever realize how full of shit they are?  For even a second?

Already, they're making the dubious claim that the LA cop killer is a "leftist," and that the internet pranksters putting up farcical "support Christopher Dorner" Facebook pages are also Obama-loving leftists -- as opposed to the apolitical trolls they likely are.  And then they haul out their fainting couches and smelling salts, and shriek "just when i thought the left couldn't sink any deeper, they surprise me again!" and "well, not me, Norma, i'm not surprised at all."
What a bunch of transparently-vile clown-steppers. 

I suppose it's just another symptom of their simplistic black-and-white worldview where complexity is not allowed; they tend to lump everything they dislike together, while greedily claiming anything that appeals to them.  Like when the Epic Beard Man bus beatdown video hit the net, they immediately labeled him a "conservative hero" and the ornery black guy a "liberal."  Like how they try to classify The Dark Knight as a conservative film, because... the Joker's an anarchist?  Bane's a socialist?
Like how they cherrypick random statements that John Lennon made in order to turn the Beatles into a bunch of conservatives that they don't mind loving.  How they daydream that the Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" is a cry against liberalism. 
Greedy.  Babies. 

I've actually seen them try to claim my new literary crush, Robert Anton Wilson, as one of their own because his books are so awesome and full of freedom-loving rogues.  Sure, guys.  The writer who states over and over again that religion is a primate delusion, the free-sex loving drug user, the guy who portrays a fictional scenario where the idiotic right wingers of America band together in Texas to form a national movement called "God's Lightning," in which every member is a drooling, racist, Christ-loving redneck who goes around preaching succession and beating Jews and gays to death with their wooden-cross weapons.... yeah, this guy totally likes you.  I guess that's why one of his final public statements specifically called out the Bush adminstration as being evil.  Because he's such a conservative... in your tiny, shriveled, jealous minds.
Sorry, Teabaggers, but Hagbard Celine is not yours.  You can't have him.


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