Thursday, January 10, 2013

CD's Nuts

Wow, moving to a newer, cleaner, bigger, better apartment is a great thing.  I'm very happy this week, even though i had to work seven days AND move everything.  Name one other person who's done that in history.  And now.... it's time to reorganize my needlessly massive CD collection. I have too many CD's. Nobody needs this many GusGus albums. I was looking through the lot just now and realized how different things were in the CD era, when you'd take a risk and drop $16 on a disc because there was one song you liked, and you had to see if the rest of the album was just as good. "Forest for the Trees' Dream is the coolest song ever! What other delights await me on the full album?"

Not to mention the random albums you'd only buy because they were only four bucks at a used CD place. "Melanie C's solo album? The cover is nice. I bet the other Spice Girls were just holding her back."

Or the singles you bought from albums you already owned because you had to have the b-sides. "I don't even like Disposable Teens, but how else am i going to hear Astonishing Panorama of the End Times? You can tell from the title that this song is epic!"

Not to mention all the drunken impulse buys. Grand National. The Good, the Bad, and the Queen. Tom Middleton. Deep Forest. Danielle Brisebois. Venus Hum. D-12. E.S. Posthumus. Neon Genesis Evangelion soundtracks.

It all adds up to a LOT of CD's.

I'm going to split them up between my two rooms. One room will house the old rap and rock that i no longer care to sully my hands with, and the other will contain all the mostly pop and electronic stuff i still like. Yeah. I have two rooms now.


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