Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Race for the Prize

Right-wingers are funny when it comes to race.   For instance, why do they all seem angry at Django Unchained?  Typically they enjoy westerns and other movies where people shoot each other with guns.  I've heard them namecheck Dirty Harry, John Wayne, and Charles Bronson as the kind of men we need in America.  But something about this Django movie seems to rub them the wrong way.

But never mind movies.  In the real world, people are making a big deal about Obama being inaugurated on the anniversary of MLK day and noting the historical poeticness or whatever about it.  This makes right-wingers MAD.  They don't like it at all.  In the past few days, i've read the following from our teabaggy friends...

  • Race doesn't exist, it's a social construct, not a scientific one.  No true conservative EVER has cared about race or discriminated against anyone in history on the basis of race.  If they did, they're not true conservatives.  Democrats are the only people who differentiate on race, which is a false thing that doesn't even exist, and they use it solely to get tax dollars that aren't theirs and also to make US look like racists.  Which we cannot possibly ever be, scientifically.
  • Obama doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Martin Luther King!  MLK was a conservative in his heart, and Obama is not.  Obama hasn't had to STRUGGLE like Martin Luther King.  Why, by all accounts, he had a pretty normal childhood that didn't involve starvation or beatings.  He didn't suffer enough!  He doesn't deserve anything!  The only way he could deserve this honor was if he grew up in some horrible segregated nation, and he lived in the poisoned forest eating worms and bugs until he could raise some kind of Gullah Jack Army and take Washington DC by force.  Conquer the white man and seize the presidency.  Only then could i respect him.
  • I'm not black but if i was i'd be mad as hell at this "fucking fraud" and would let everyone know that he doesn't speak for me and my proud black family who rejects welfare.  He's not even really black, he's half-black.  And he hasn't struggled enough.  My god, did you hear what they were eating at the Obama "coronation?"  Lobster and bison!  That's expensive.  Not deserved.  How dare they steal my tax money to pay for that.  Spam on crackers, that's all these liberals deserve!  They're not better than me!


Paraphrases, of course, but that's what i'm reading between the lines.

Please, conservatives.  Continue.

Behance Gallery.

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