Saturday, January 26, 2013

Evolve or die.

Dear Republican Party, some words from a 34-year old hardworking white male -- someone whose vote you should have a chance of getting...'s not your "message" or your "tone" that's the problem.  It's your policies and your philosophies, the things you claim are just fine and don't need to be changed.  They are the problem.  Let's review...

-- Needless wars of aggression.

-- Tax cuts for the rich, tax increases for the poor.

-- Bigoted opposition to gay marriage.

-- Xenophobic immigration policies.

-- No viable deficit reduction plans.

-- Endless obstruction in Congress.

-- Weird cavemanish views on abortion.

-- Not that good on civil liberties.

-- Asinine drug policies.

-- Vile standard bearers like Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, George Bush.

....yeah.  Presenting these in a different "tone" isn't going to sway me.  Evolve or die.

 Behance Network.

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