Monday, January 28, 2013

Nerd Rage

So JJ Abrams is going to direct Star Wars?  I don't really care, because i'm so over Star Wars, but it seems like a bad idea.  I've kind of come to detest JJ Abrams.  Lost and Super 8 are the work of a carnival barker who teases you with a web of mysteries and then forgets you after you're inside the tent.  Super 8, especially.  I saw the movie and thought it was okay, but then later i saw the infamous preview that didn't say a peep about aliens -- it was a scintillating montage of mystery, nostalgia, childhood, magic, spiritual awakening, my god, what unfathomable secrets are buried in this film?  It's so tremendous it would burn our faces like the Ark of the Covenant if we dared release it!  That!  What was that?!

and then it turned out to be an alien.  Kind of a cousin of Cloverfield.  Blah.  It made me mad.  It was a scam.

As for his Star Trek movie, it was slick and fun, but now i don't ever think about it and don't really feel like watching it again.  Disposable.  So now he gets to recreate Star Wars too?  Both?  That's too much power for one competent but visionless huckster.  I don't like it.  Oh, god, i can see him now, in interviews, rattling on about how "we wanted to streamline the Star Wars universe, kind of get away from all the mythology and tragedy, and create a new paradigm, something sleeker and hipper, more in tune with today's zeitgeist, with really sharp and penetrating dialogue... i looked at the lightsaber and asked myself, what really is it?  Who made it?  Probably some 11-year old supergenius from the suburbs of Coruscant, sort of a proto-Steve Jobs, a kid with a lot of spirit and snark, and that was the genesis of the Joe'h Baumer character..."

Maybe i'm wrong.  I don't know.  I just wish they'd given control of Star Wars to an older, more ponderous director.  Ridley Scott or someone.  Anyone.  There had to be anyone else.


Behance network.

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