Saturday, January 12, 2013

There's no bottom

So the latest word from the wingnut ranks is this -- 1776 is about to recommence!  We are at the tipping point where people of America must arm themselves and prepare to shoot at incoming invaders!  Hey, there, Cletus, did you know that state Sheriffs can instantly deputize any patriotic man who own a firearm? This is the endgame, my friends -- when Obama unleashes his forces to seize your guns, your Sheriff will sound the alarm and you will be called to serve the people. And don't worry, you won't be defending your homes from American Joes -- we all know that they'll refuse to follow his orders, so you'll be facing UN troops, or possibly Chinese troops. They're coming, make no mistake. But they will face hundreds of thousands of homegrown patriots ready to rumble.

This is not an exaggeration. There is no bottom with these people. No bottom ever.

I wish someone would explain it to them. Look, there are two plausible outcomes here. The most likely being that nothing at all will happen. Slightly less likely is that certain weapons and high-capacity magazines and clips will be banned, and that background checks will be required at gun shows. No big deal. Gun stores will not be shuttered. Anyone who wants a pistol, rifle, or shotgun will still be able to get them easily. The only people whose lives will change will be the serious gun hobbyists who try to impress one another down at the range with the latest and most powerful guns they can afford. They will join the same club as kiddie porn enthusiasts and hoarders of dangerous and exotic animals. They'll scream about how their freedom has been curtailed in this, the land of the free, and no one else will care.

Relax, rednecks.


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