Monday, January 21, 2013


Ah, a good day. 

Well, there were many crappy things that happened.  You ever had a toilet overflow on you, and realize that the plunger your workplace provides is not a real plunger?  It's a cheap piece of inflexible plastic about 1/2" deep, so it looks like a plunger but doesn't actually, you know, plunge.

But i can overlook these things, because i got to watch Barack Obama be inaugurated today.  And i imagined how i'd feel if i was watching a smirking Mitt Romney take that oath.  I would be in a mood so foul that no overflowing toilet could match it.

Four more years.

Meanwhile, on Supertalk 99.7, Bill Cunningham is bellowing that we need to bring back starvation, so that lazy poor people will get some initiative.  Seriously, if they and their kids were starving on the streets while everyone else avoided them, things would be better.  Away with ye, ragged starveling!  Are there no prisons?  No poor houses?

And Republicans wonder why people won't vote for them.

Behance Gallery.

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