Wednesday, January 02, 2013

I heart Huckabee

I just heard a blurb on the radio in which Mike Huckabee claimed that there's a bible verse that explains everything. The parable of Abimalech and the Three Trees or something? Like, all of the trees declined to be King of the Trees because they were wise and sought not power over their fellow trees. Only the arrogant bramble-bush wished to be the King of the Trees, for it was loathsome and bore no fruit. What God is trying to say is that when a normal person tries to advance in government it's because they have an evil desire to "run everything." How vile, this lust for power! Huckabee then pivoted effortlessly and claimed that the only people who should ever be granted such power are those men who already have ludicrous amounts of wealth and power, those who were born to be Lords. I mean, logically, they already have such power that the lure of gaining more is just boring to them. They are the only ones who can be trusted.

On the basis of this, i would have to say that Mike Huckabee is a clinically insane, evil fuck. And Obama is an arrogant bramble-bush. Or something. I'm not entirely sure. Hey, do we have any more of that nutmeg? I'm coming down hard.

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